Not perfection, progress

2022 - A Different Way

To having an amazing 2022

As we move into the home stretch of 2021, I hope you all are having a wonderful Holiday Season and my wish for you in 2022 is to have the absolute best year that you’ve ever experience on earth. So let me start off with a bit of gratitude; because not only does being grateful improve your immune system, but it also makes people happier, improves relationships, counteracts depression and makes people healthier (according to a 15 year study by UC Berkeley). In addition, another study concluded that keeping a gratitude journal lowered participants stress hormones by 23%. So thank you for being beautiful lights in my life. I have grown and experienced such joy by knowing each of you.

I heard a beautiful story from Ally Love that I would like to share with you.

A King and His Garden….Not perfection, progress.

A story is told about a king who went into his royal garden one morning, only to find every tree and plant withering and dying. He approached the oak tree and asked what its trouble was. The oak tree said it was tired of life and decided it wanted to die, since it could never be as tall as the pine tree. The pine tree felt discouraged and withered because it could never bear fruit like the grapevine. The grapevine was determined to die because it could never stand tall and bear large fruit like the peach tree. The geranium was depressed because its flowers were not as tall and fragrant as the lilac.

The king continued walking through his garden, dismayed by its desolate state, when he came across a small violet. Its tiny frame was beautifully bright and full of life. The king told the small flower: “You look radiant! You don’t seem to be the least disheartened about the misery and discouragement around you.” The violet replied: “No, I am not. I know I’m small, yet, I imagine that if you wanted an oak tree or a pine tree where I am, you would have planted one. Since I know you wanted a violet, I am determined to be the very best violet I can be.”

This allegory makes me think of how much time and energy we waste looking at what others have, and not appreciating the beauty that we are. How can you begin today understanding that you are enough, perfectly imperfect, and exactly where you are supposed to be? It’s true — the happiest, most successful and fulfilled human beings are those who embrace their uniqueness, play on their strengths and find contentment wherever the Divine places them. Every breath is an opportunity to have Divine light shine through us. As we inhale we inspire, take in the love and light from Source, hold that breath in for a moment and really feel it; on the exhale share that loving light. When we share, we heal ourselves. Research now shows that the less attention you place on yourself, and the more you give to others, the happier and healthier you will be.

Here is a little reminder of the things that you can do, for your greatest 2022.

    1. Dance and sing – move your body and your vocal chords daily. You will feel happier, healthier and will be releasing endorphins that help your body increase immunity.

    2. Breathe – Try this. With each inhale feel the side ribs expanding. With each exhale feel them turning back into place. Now inhale for 4, pause at the top; exhale for 8, and pause at the bottom. 5-10 breaths will make you feel amazing.

    3. Move into coherence 3+ times per day. Setting little 2 minute check ins, is extremely helpful to lower your stress and help you become much more productive

    4. Mentally rehearse your day. Meditate. Go outside. Connect with nature. Should you want guided meditations, check out Dr. Joe Dispenza’s YouTube videos or email me and I will send the ones that I’ve recorded.

    5. Choose a symbol that represents the greatest version of yourself. When something doesn’t go your way, call to mind your symbol (when you practice with the symbol during meditation, it will come up easily when you aren’t meditating).

May this year fill your cup to overflowing of LOVE, PEACE and DELIGHT.